Black Disparity Data
Black Disparity Data, when combined is evidence of systemic extermination of Black African American People. Black Leadership is failing to offer a Comprehensive National Black Empowerment Plan with solution that counter White Supremacy based laws, policies and programs designed to produce and maintain Black Disparity Data.
The Quiet Resolution (TQR, Inc) is the plan and Allen Hydro Energy Corporation (AHEC) is the startup created to fund TQR, Inc. created by Charles E. Campbell, MSW, Tech Founder & CEO, Black Race Man
1. Black Infant Mortality – 10.4 compared to. 2.4 White Infant Mortality Rate
2. Black Women Maternal Mortality – 44.0 deaths per 100,000 live births compares to 17.9 for White
3. Black Teen Suicide – 11.2 per 100,000 in 2021.
4. Black Youth Gun Violence – 1 in every 10,000. 83% of all gun deaths among Black Americans are Gun homicides.
5. Black Mass Incarceration – Jailed 6 times the rate of Whites. 592 per 100,000 People
6. Black Racial Wealth Gap – 16% of the population, but 4% of the wealth. White 60% of the population, but 84% of the wealth. 80% Racial Wealth Gap that influences generational poverty, health, education, economic development and financial stability.
7. Black Marriage – 34.4% of Black Men and 28.6 % of Black Women in 2021 were married in 2021. Leaving 65.6% of Black Men and 71.4% of Black Women in 2021 were not married in 2021.
8. Black Poverty – Highest at 19.5% compared to White 8.2%.
9. Black Chronic Disease – Black African Americans are more likely to die at early ages from all causes related to High Blood Pressure, Diabetes and Stroke.
10. Black Food Desert – 39 Million People or 12.8% of the US Population live in low income and low access areas, known as “Food Deserts”.
11. Black Medical Professionals – 13% of the Population with only 5% of doctors are Black.
12. Black Home Ownership – Black Rate was 44% and White Rate was 74%.
13. Racial Wealth Gap – 13% of the US Population is Black, with only 4% of the wealth – The White US Population is 60%, with 84% Wealth – The Black White Racial Wealth Gap between White and Blacks is 80%.